Who we are and what we do
- INFN Cloud is internally organized into 5 Work Packages, run by people belonging to several INFN sites in a fully distributed way:
- WP1: Architecture, Operations and Service Portfolio
- WP2: Documentation, User Support, Communication and Training
- WP3: Monitoring and Accounting
- WP4: Security, Policies and Rules of Participation
- WP5: Service Evolution and New Developments
- The INFN Cloud Management Board is composed by the INFN Cloud Coordinator (Davide Salomoni, davide@infn.it) and by the WP Leaders. The reporting line is directly to the INFN Computing Coordination Committees and to the INFN President.
- The current operational state of INFN Cloud is production but already serving several INFN experiments and collaborations, with full production state and general availability expected by early 2021, in sync with already planned resource expansions and connection of additional federated Clouds.